NZEC Newsletter – December 2022
Kia ora koutou from the NZEC team,
We hope this newsletter finds you and your families safe. This year has been eventful and certainly with challenges for all of you, which we hope you’ve managed to navigate. We’ve now reached the festive season, so how about one last action packed newsletter for you to read with a cup of coffee before your well-earned summer break.
There have been a lot of developments internationally. You may be aware of COP26 and curious about what impact that may have on New Zealand and specifically on NZ Export Credit. Read below to understand how NZEC intends to comply with New Zealand’s commitments from COP 26.
We’re delighted to share with you a case study that tells the story of an exporter that has won the opportunity to design, build, and host a replacement eCommerce platform for a large Australasian department store. Read how we were able to support them and their Bank.
We’re delighted to share our Annual Report and for those in a hurry we also provide a snapshot. There are also Market Reports from our colleagues at New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).
We hope you enjoy your reading.
Meri Kirihimete
New Zealand Export Credit Annual Overview 2021/22
We’re delighted to report our FY21/22 annual results. For those in a hurry here’s a snapshot.
The full report can be accessed here.
Case Study – eStar

Read on page 11 of the Annual Overview, how eStar had won the opportunity to design, build, and host a replacement eCommerce platform for a large Australasian department store. This opportunity, came with significant obligations for eStar, and required a Warranty Bond to be provided by their Bank. Find out how NZEC supported them and their Bank.
NZ Export Credit supports the Clean Energy Transition
In October 2021 at COP26, New Zealand became a signatory to the joint Statement “International Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition”. This committed New Zealand to end direct public support for the international unabated fossil fuel energy sector by the end of 2022 and, instead, to prioritise support fully towards the clean energy transition.
In line with the statement signed by the government at COP26, from 1 January 2023, NZEC, will no longer provide support for the fossil fuel energy sector, aside from in limited circumstances.
The fossil fuel energy sector activities affected by this policy are:
- Exploration, extraction, production, transportation, storage, refining, and marketing of oil, gas, and coal;
- Fossil fuel-fired plants; and
- Storage, supporting infrastructure, transport, logistics, and services primarily related to fossil fuels.
The full statement can be read here.
International Co-Operation arrangement renewed
The Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN) has been a special partner of NZEC for many years. EKN provides us with valuable technical advice, and we are glad to have renewed our service agreement with them for another term. Special thank you to you Stefan Karlsson and your team. We appreciate your support over the years and look forward to future collaboration.
MFAT Market reports
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes regular reports on topics of interest to the New Zealand export community. The latest reports include:
- Weekly Global Economic Round-up – 5 December 2022
- Indonesia: Trade update - November 2022
- German farmers go digital - November 2022
- Indo-Pacific economies move towards closer cooperation - November 2022
- Saudi Arabia: the fastest growing economy fighting for its future - November 2022
Team update
We are saddened to announce that Thomas Sheng has resigned from NZEC. Thomas has accepted a new role with Kiwibank as a product manager in Trade Finance team. Thomas has been a long serving and valued colleague at NZEC. I know you will all join us in wishing Thomas all the very best in his new role. Thomas’s last day with NZEC will be the 12th of January 2023.
We are delighted to welcome Lauren Holloway to our NZEC team. Lauren has returned to Treasury after completing her Master of Public Policy at Oxford. Lauren is helping us with our COP26 work in relation to the Public Support for the Clean Energy Transition.
There is no team travel scheduled over December and January however if you would like to meet in person, please contact us. Alternatively, the team is always available for virtual meetings using Skype, Zoom, Teams or over the phone.
Christmas holiday update
Please note that NZ Export Credit will be closed from midday 23rd December and reopening on Thursday 5th January 2023.
Any urgent enquiries over his period can be directed to Phil Quinn on 04 890 7440.
NZEC LinkedIn profile
A reminder that NZEC has its own LinkedIn account, which can enable you to keep up to date on our latest case studies, news and regional visits. Our link is:
Kind regards from
Chris, Feliza, Peter, Phil, Michael, Thomas, Glen, Wes, Renee, Lauren and Joana