NZEC Newsletter – October 2022
Kia ora koutou from the NZEC team,
We hope this newsletter finds you and your families safe. This year has been eventful and certainly with challenges for all of you, which we hope you’ve managed to navigate. It’s hard to believe that we’ve now reached the last quarter of 2022.
We mourn the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of New Zealand, this is a significant moment in New Zealand history as her reign was a constant in all our lives. We hope that our recent public holiday on Monday 26th September was a moment for you all to reflect on this. Please read the note below in relation to the impact of this on NZEC.
We hope you enjoy your reading.
Case Study – TRG Natural Pharmaceuticals

Read here for a success story which is a great example of a New Zealand Exporter scaling up. TRG had just secured a major licencing deal with an American pharmaceutical company, but this can also present funding challenges. Find out their story and how NZEC supported TRG and their Bank with its Loan Guarantee.
Trade Finance Solutions proving their worth
With the ongoing disruption to supply chains, trade finance is proving a useful tool for exporters managing their working capital needs.
You can find more information about this here.
For exporters new to using the trade credit insurance follow this link for a summary of your obligations.
Events of Interest
GoGlobal 2022 Conference
Please don’t miss this event on Wednesday the 9th of November, at the Cordis Hotel, Auckland from 9 am till 5.30 pm.
NZEC is proud to be an exhibitor and would welcome the chance to talk to you. This year the theme is “Technology Investment and Change.”
Go Global is your opportunity to hear from industry leaders, get global market insights and get connected with some of the best in the game. Find out more and register in this link.
NZ International Business Awards
These awards on the 27th of October at Shed 10, Auckland from 6:30 pm are surely the event of the year. NZEC is looking forward to attending.
Doing business internationally is never easy. Throw in COVID-19 disruptions, supply chain issues and rising costs: companies which have navigated all of this, and then some, deserve to be celebrated. NZEC are proud to recognise all finalists for the New Zealand International Business Awards 2022.
Find out more and buy your ticket in this link.
Southland Otago Regional Engineering Collective (SOREC)
In mid-August, Phil Quinn and Chris Chapman had the pleasure of presenting at SOREC’s Southern Engineering Summit in both Invercargill and Dunedin.
SOREC is an industry led body. The summits provided an opportunity to discuss a range of topics including immigration, apprenticeships, and opportunities offshore. Regional Development Minister Stuart Nash spoke and joined the panel at the summit in Dunedin. He emphasised his commitment to implementing the Government’s long awaited advanced manufacturing industry transformation plan (ITP).
Let us know if you or your industry body would benefit from NZEC presenting in similar webinars or workshops.
MFAT Market reports
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes regular reports on topics of interest to the New Zealand export community. The latest reports include:
- Weekly Global Economic Round-up – 27 September 2022
- Overview of Tonga’s budget 2022/23 - September 2022
- New Caledonia moves towards Renewable Energy - September 2022
- Egypt Economic Update - September 2022
- Economic update for Singapore - September 2022
If you'd like to subscribe to these and other reports then click here.
You can view the complete list of market reports published to date here.
Team update
Our team travels have resumed, so if you would like to meet in person, please contact us. Alternatively, the team is always available for virtual meetings using Skype, Zoom, Teams or over the phone.
- Chris Chapman and Thomas Sheng will be in Auckland on 27th and 28th October
- Michael Hoare and Thomas Sheng will be in Auckland on 8th November attending GoGlobal 2022 Conference
We are very proud to announce that we have an addition to our team. Glen Ross, who has joined us from Westpac, started this month as our new Senior Underwriter and will be based in Auckland.
Advisory Note: Change of Sovereign and its impact on New Zealand Export Credit
We can find more here.
NZEC LinkedIn profile
A reminder that NZEC has its own LinkedIn account, which can enable you to keep up to date on our latest case studies, news and regional visits. Our link is:
Kind regards from
Chris, Feliza, Peter, Phil, Michael, Thomas, Wes, Renee, Glen and Joana