NZEC Newsletter – September 2023
Kia ora koutou from the NZEC team,
We hope this newsletter finds you and your families safe. It has been an eventful and challenging year for all, and we hope you are managing through these times and looking forward to the warmer months ahead as much as we are. A lot has happened in the world of Export Credit since our last newsletter, so we have a lot to update you on.
We previously announced that NZEC is sponsoring the ‘Best Emerging Business’ in the upcoming 2023 New Zealand International Business Awards. Further information on this below!
In this newsletter we are excited to share with you our latest case study that highlights how a company producing next generation x-ray imaging technology utilised our Export Credit Guarantee product to open the door providing a beachhead into an overseas market. Export Credit collaborated with the company’s working capital provider to underwrite a structure to ensure payment would be received. Below we will dive into more detail about this case study.
We remain cognisant some of you remain affected by the devastating North Island Weather Events. We have included information below of the business support packages that may be available to you from our colleagues at The Treasury and Kānoa.
Case Study - MARS Bioimaging

Read here to see how we supported MARS Bioimaging, a young company producing next generation 3D x-ray imaging technology, enter into the Australian market. The deal came with significant risk as the buyer required lengthy payment terms. Find out more on how NZEC supported MARS Bioimaging secure the deal that opened the door to international market.
North Island Weather Event Support
Business support packages were recently announced in response to the North Island Weather Events in Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Tairāwhiti, Hawke's Bay, Tararua, and Wairarapa. The Treasury announced a Loan Guarantee Scheme which enable highly impacted businesses to receive lending (from their lender) with more favourable terms to fund their recovery. Kānoa announced a Primary Producer Finance Scheme which will provide concessionary loans and equity to severely impacted business that were not eligible to receive lending under the Loan Guarantee Scheme. Read more on the Schemes here: The Treasury Loan Guarantee Scheme & Kānoa’s Primary Producer Finance Scheme.
NZIBA 2023
The New Zealand International Business Awards 2023 (NZIBA), hosted by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) is recognising exporters and their success in the fields of innovation, sustainability, online sales, brand storytelling, Māori excellence, women leaders, and investment. NZEC is proud to be supporting the event by sponsoring the ‘Best Emerging Business’ category and we are delighted to be involved in the judging process of the awards. Finalists will be announced in September with the winners being recognised at an awards night in Auckland on the 23rd of November. We hope to see some familiar faces there, further information on the awards and event can be found here.
New Zealand-European Union Free Trade Agreement
New Zealand recently signed a free trade agreement with the European Union, which is expecting deliver savings of $100m per annum in tariffs from day one and increasing to $110m in seven years to Kiwi exporters. Europe is New Zealand’s 4th largest trading partner and provides significant value to our economy with two-way trade valued at NZD $20.2 billion in 2022. The FTA will provide great benefit for all exporters, large or small, to compete in a very lucrative market and showcase the high-quality products that New Zealand is known for.
Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade have developed a Tariff Finder tool designed to aid New Zealand exporters to easily identify existing free trade agreements. The tool can also confirm that you are paying the correct tariff rates for your exports to a non-FTA covered region. Read more on the NZ-EU FTA here and the MFAT Tariff Finder can be found here.
You can read more on the website how NZEC supported 2 wineries to export to UK and Poland.
All of Government Roadshow
The All-of-Government ExportNZ Roadshow saw Peter, Rob, Phil, Michael, and Renee travelling across New Zealand to engage with exporters alongside our colleagues at NZTE, MFAT, MPI and NZ Story, to showcase how the government agencies provide support to our Kiwi exporters. The team had a great time, and the events were a fantastic platform to get real engagement with people who could benefit from our solutions the most. Thank you to Joshua Tan and the team at ExportNZ for putting it all together.
MFAT Market Reports
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes regular reports on topics of interest to the New Zealand export community. The latest reports include:
- Weekly Global Economic Round-up – 7 August 2023
- Mexico Agriculture Update - July 2023
- Japanese pet food market: overview and trends - July 2023
- Philippines economy: Steady as she goes - June 2023
- Chilean hydrogen strategy implementation: opportunities for Aotearoa - July 2023
- If you'd like to subscribe to these and other reports, then click on:
- You can view the complete list of market reports published to date here:
Team Updates
As mentioned, we have a lot of team updates in Export Credit. Since our last newsletter we have recruited some additional talent to the team. Rob Downie has joined the team as the Head of Business Origination, Rob has over 30 years in various banking roles across client relationship management and credit risk with several NZ banks. Annie Austing has filled the Senior Portfolio Analyst Role. Annie is a Chartered Accountant and holds extensive experience in a range of interesting finance roles. Sarah Campbell has recently come on board as a Senior Projects Advisor to assist with the implementation of our strategic plan and streamlined processes. Nau mai, haere mai!
Sadly, one of our Senior Underwriters Wes has continued his journey onto Australia with his partner. Wes has done some great mahi with the team and we wish him all the best in his next endeavour.
Team Movements
The team have just finished a big round of travelling for the ExportNZ Roadshow, it was great meeting everyone who came along, and we look forward to continuously engaging with the exporting community. The team is always available for virtual meetings using Skype, Zoom, Teams or over the phone. Contact details are on our website.
NZEC Linkedin Profile
A reminder that NZEC has its own LinkedIn account, which can enable you to keep up to date on our latest case studies, news, and regional visits. Our link is:
Kind regards from Peter, Feliza, Rob, Phil, Michael, Renee, Shalene, Joana, Annie, Sarah and Caiden.