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Surety Bond Guarantee: Application form


This application helps  New Zealand Export Credit to assess the Exporter's eligibility for a Surety Bond Guarantee.

New Zealand Smart Restrooms excel in the United States

Success story
NZEC helps Exeloo access Surety Bonds for a contract into the United States

Surety Bond Guarantee


A Surety Bond is a financial guarantee provided to your Buyer, which provides assurance that the contracted work will be performed and/or any losses incurred due to your non-performance will be indemnified.

NZEC Opens Path to Canada for New Zealand Exporters

Success story
Glidepath Canada
NZEC’s Surety Bond enables Glidepath to attain Canadian airport baggage system upgrade contract.

NZEC guarantee supports Glidepath Limited in the US

Success story
Glidepath US
NZEC’s surety bond guarantee helps Glidepath meet 100% surety bond requirements on a large US airport project.